Monday, 28 April 2008

Noisy Woodland

The day started as usual with the small birds coming to feed...

The Nuthatch were putting on a good show...

as were the Blue Tit...

and then there was a massive commotion, this Tawny Owl turned up and every bird was going wild mobbing the poor old Owl

then everything calmed down and the birds got back to feeding

and a Song Thrush was busy collecting worms for they're young.

Saturday, 26 April 2008

North Norfolk Trip

Got back up to north Norfolk today, some summer visitors are settling in and some usual birds cruising about

Loads of Meadow Pipits are about the Salthouse area...

and this Redshank who strangely loves standing on this post...

a few spring young Geese for some entertainment...

and a Roe Dear that actually stayed for a minute in view...

...but the star of the day was this Sedge Warbler all the way from Africa singing to attract a mate, didn't manage to lure one while I was there. But i'm sure he will, he had a great singing voice. Another great day, can't wait to get back up there.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Nutty Nuthatches

Had another hour at the feeders today, the Nuthatch performed really well.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Woodland Birds

Got out early this morning to see what was at the feeding station

I put out some cherry blossom and this Blue Tit landed and started to sing

the Nuthatch were keen to show off their skills

and I heard a new sound in the woods, it was this male Blackcap, my first summer visitor.

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Feeding Station

Had a great day at my mate Dave's feeding station...

...the Great Spotted Woodpecker performed really well

as did this really well marked Nuthatch

even the male woody put in an appearance

a few Jays were hanging about

with this Chaffinch singing nearly all day

i love when the Nuthatch pose like this

and plenty of Great Tit that won me a bet I had with Dave

Blue Tits always make a good picture

and a single Marsh Tit showed well

a really great day, cheers Dave

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Woodland Birds 2

Had another few good hours at my feeding station today, quite busy all the time.

Always glad when a Treecreeper gets within my sights

The Long Tailed Tit were back

and so were the Coal Tit

The canopy is now covered in green plants which gives a nice blurred green

The Blue Tits were very active

and the Nuthatch performed well which I was really pleased about.

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Woodpeckers at last

Got out early for the Barn Owls today, not many around but this one flew to this post for some close shots

Then I met up with my mate Dave Whistlecraft, we went to his feeding station and I finally managed a good Great Spotted Woodpecker shot.

plus a Marsh Tit which I haven't photographed for a while

and a few usual Blue Tits

but the GSW was the shot of the day for me.